Sunday, June 8, 2008

How To Open 1000+ Safelist Emails

Want to Earn Safelist Credit 10x Faster?

The only way to do that is if you can do all these things 10x faster:
- open the safelist email message
- look for the Credit link
- click on that credit link and open it to a new tab
- delete the safelist email message
- open the next message
- close open tabs

Fortunately, there's a way to do all these things 10X faster.

But first lets start with 5x faster.

Did you know that Google have a set of keyboard shortcuts to navigate in your emails a lot faster? Using these shortcuts will multiply your effort 5 times already. You just need to learn these shortcuts and combined those shortcuts to be more efficient.

But the other things that you do that takes time, like looking for the credit link, right clicking on it, opening in new tab, deleting tabs, there's no shortcut for that.

Now lets go back to 10x faster.

I wrote a script that uses the gmail shortcuts and turn your mouse into a hover mouse (no clicking).
This will save you lots of times and a lot less effort.

What more is I'll give this to you for F.ree!

If you use it and you think that it really helps you a lot, then a small donation, only if you like, would be nice. Because I did spend lots of time making it after all :)

This script is just gmails shortcuts put together to save you even more time and effort so it shouldn't break any TOS of the Safelist you are subscribe in. If it does, then they should get rid of Gmail shortcuts :).

Once you get familiar with this script then you will not worry about Safelist credit ever!
Just send me an email and I will send you the script plus the instructions on how to use it.

Here's my email:
Just put Script in the subject.